Killer Ted Bundy Story ~ Blog l

Theodore Robert Bundy was an American Serial Killer who kidnapped, raped, and murdered numerous young women/girlies. He was born in November 24,1946 and died on January 24, 1989 at the age of 42 years old. Bundy was regarded to be very charismatic and handsome, these traits are what won the trust of all of his victims and society as a whole. His victims were approached by Ted in a public eye. They would love how he looked and acted so they would trust him little did they know, he was going to bludgeoned them into unconsciousness to take them to a secondary place to rape them. Bundy would revisited his victims, grooming them and other things until the corpses would decomposition. Twelve of his victims got decapitated and would put them in his apartment as mementos. The little to few were done in the dark nights. He may have started all these killing in 1970s or eariler. Nobody knows how many people he actually killed. People believe it to b...