Charles Severance ~ Blog 7

Mr. Charles Standard Severance took three innocent lives. Charles was born on September 25, 1960, in Fairfax, Virginia. He was unfortunately a killer who took lives in Alexandria, Virginia. He was convicted as an American serial killer out of Alexandria, Virginia. Prior to all killings and trials, he was running for Mayor of Alexandria in the 1996 as well as the 2000 election. In 1996 he also ran for the Congress for the eighth district. During the runs of elections, he would answer the questions with different topics of crazy things. In all three of these elections, he lost to other people. He ran as an independent person in all the elections he tried to win. Charles had three victims' lives that he took. The span of these crimes went over a few years, the crimes went from 2003-2014. He was tried for these crimes of Ruthanne Lodato (2014), Ronald Kirby (2013), and Nancy Dunning (2003). All three of these victims were attacked in the daytime by Mr. Stan...