Jeffrey Dahmer ~ Blog 4


            Jeffery Lionel Dahmer was born May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His nickname was Milwaukee Monster, he was an American serial killer. He committed murders and dismembered around seventeen boys and men between 1978 and 1991. He had a disorder where he would change personalities and psychotic disorder. Mr.Dahmer committed his murder in 1978, about three weeks after his high school gradution. On June 18, he picked a hitchhiker named Steven who was almost 19. He offered him a drink at his house, that's how he lured him in. Later after they had a couple of drinks Steven was ready to leave but Jeffrey wasn't ready for him to leave. He struck him twice from behind, which left Hicks unconscious. Then Jeffery strangled him to death without any hesitation. The next murder he did was a little different, Jeffery Dahmer had no memory whatsoever of killing the man. The way he disposed of the body took a whole two hours to finish and then he just disposed of all the pieces into the trash can. After that murder took place Dahmer started to actively seek for victims. Jeffery would always use the same plan to drug them and once they were unconscious he would strangle them to death. It was like his plan was working every time so he felt confident in it. The way Mr.Dahmer was captured was a long process and took many hours. While Jeffery was trying to attack a male named Edwards he made it very clear that he was going to eat his heart. Now Edward wasn’t prepared at all to die and definitely didn’t want to get murdered. Edward handled the situation amazingly; he knew how to not upset Jeffrey but also knew he needed a plan to escape. Edward asked to go to the bathroom for the second time and when he came out he punched Jeffrey in the face making him lose his balance. This gave Edward enough time to get out the front door. Later Edward found some officers and told them the situation and led them back to the apartment where he almost died. When the officers had found the pictures of dismembered bodies in the bedroom that’s when Dahmer had started to resist his arrest. An investigation was searching the kitchen when he opened the refrigerator door to find dismembered heads on one of the shelves. The chief stated at the end of all of the searching that he felt “ it was more like dismantling someone’s museum more than a crime scene”. Jeffery Dahmer stated when he confessed to the crimes that “ he created this horror scene and it only makes sense I do everything to put an end to it”. Jeffery was showering in his prison when two other inmates came at him and struck him against the wall several times. Although his head was smashed against the wall several times he was still alive when they rushed him to the hospital where he died an hour later.


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